CLICK HERE for a Region 9 Field Map. All 4U/5U activities will take place in the field labelled R/S (just south of the 2 6U fields).
Please make an effort to attend your child’s assigned meeting time. If you cannot attend your assigned time for any reason, please contact us so that we can accommodate your needs. We strive to have the same number of children in each group each week. UniformsUniforms (shirt/shorts/socks) will be distributed on [insert date]. Soccer cleats are recommended, but not required. Shin guards under socks are required. Please also bring a size 3 soccer ball and water for your child. DID YOU KNOW?AYSO is fully staffed by volunteers! We need parents like you to help us be successful. We will have some volunteer opportunities available throughout the season. Please contact one of us or any of our trainers for more information:Contact InformationFor questions, please contact the following:Julianne Gideon – Region 9 4U/5U Program Director [email protected]Visit our website! https://www.ayso9.orgLike us on Facebook!
PO Box 4914 Thousand Oaks, California 91359